There may be a purpose for doing this that I am unaware of. Otherwise, it seems incorrect to load the two CSS files for jQuery Mobile after all the other theme CSS files. With the current setup, the jQuery Mobile CSS will take precedent over the subtheme CSS. Therefore, if you want to overrite the jQuery Mobile CSS, you have to write class names with a higher specificity. This promotes code bloat in the subtheme CSS.

The two files I'm referring to from template.php (line 60)
drupal_add_css('', array_merge($css_options, array('weight' => 100)));
drupal_add_css('', array_merge($css_options, array('weight' => 100)));


justadropofwater’s picture

I'm not seeing this behavior against the latest dev version; it's loading in the appropriate order (jqm, mobile_jquery, subtheme).