The Views formatting setting options set with Bootstrap Carousel selected
The settings for Bootstrap Carousel options
The output of the carousel has an image with the Bootstrap indicators and navigation.


Views Bootstrap module enables you to create components following the theme structure of the Bootstrap framework all within the configuration settings of views in core Drupal 8+ or the Views module (Drupal 7).

Composer Notice

Due to the way we need to maintain multiple versions of the module for different versions of Bootstrap, you need to modify the version constraint in your composer.json file. Use the ~ and the full version number 5.4.0 to constrain updates to the 5.4.x releases.

Drupal 9/10

There are 3 versions for Drupal 9/10.

Bootstrap 3

Use 8.x-3.x

The following components exist in the 8.x-3.x version.

Bootstrap 4

Use 8.x-4.x.
The following components exist in the 8.x-4.x version.

Experimental Bootstrap 5

Use 5.5.x. composer require 'drupal/views_bootstrap:^5.5@alpha'

Drupal 7




  • All plug-ins are designed for default Bootstrap grid system, that are 12 columns.
  • For your Bootstrap Carousel to work properly you must be using jQuery version 1.7, unfortunately Views does not work properly with jQuery 1.7 so use an admin theme such as Seven to edit your views or revert to jQuery version 1.5 when you are editing any views and then change back to jQuery 1.7 when the View has been updated/saved. This is an issue with Views not Views Bootstrap module.


  • 8.x-3.x
    Twitter Bootstrap 3.x. for Drupal 9/10
  • 8.x-4.x
    Twitter Bootstrap 4.x for Drupal 9/10
  • 5.5.x
    Twitter Bootstrap 5.x for Drupal 9/10
  • 7.x-3.x
    Twitter Bootstrap 3.x
  • 7.x-2.x
    Twitter Bootstrap 2.x

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