In the summer, we organized the very first Drupal Governance Sprint. We sat down and discussed how to evolve Drupal's governance structure to support the Drupal community's continued growth. The result of that meeting was a proposal on how to evolve our governance. After discussing at length and formally chartering the first of these groups, the "Community Working Group" (CWG), we'd like to move on to governance.

One of these groups is the Technical Working Group (TWG). This group will centrally manage guidelines and processes for technical aspects of Drupal that span all projects, such as coding standards, Git repository usage, and issue queue workflows, in order to keep Drupal development velocity high.

This charter is maintained in Git at For your convenience, we included a copy below:


The mission of the Technical Working Group (TWG) is to make sure that the Drupal project has efficient technical policies, procedures, and standards as required to keep the "technical" side of our community operating smoothly.

Scope / duties / responsibilities


The TWG's job to ensure that the necessary policies, procedures, and standards exist to address technical concerns affecting the Drupal community. This includes items that affect all projects, such as the Drupal coding standards, Git repository usage and licensing policies, and Drupal’s full-project approval process.

The TWG does not necessarily author and maintain these policies itself, but merely ensures that they exist, that they are well maintained, and that they are successful. To do so, they appoint and empower individuals or groups within the community to care for these policies and review them as needed.

The TWG may also develop guidelines and/or recommendations regarding the introduction of new tools and technologies for the benefit of the community. Where implementation of these recommendations is dependent on Drupal Association funding, integration, or significant investment from the infrastructure team, the TWG will work with these groups to evaluate feasibility of any particular option or recommendation.

Acceptance of TWG recommendations for key strategic issues may be subject to approval by the project lead (Dries Buytaert) or his designate(s).

Specific Duties of the TWG

  • Ensure the Drupal project has effective policies, procedures, best practices, and standards to guide technical aspects within the Drupal community. The TWG does not set policies or standards for individual projects, including core.
  • Provide clarification regarding intended interpretation of technical policies, as needed, to assist with conflicts or disagreements related to the interpretation of a technical policy, procedure, or standard maintained by the TWG.
  • Ensure that changes to technical standards and policies are published and communicated out to the wider Drupal community.
  • Provide recommendations to the Drupal Association, working groups, and infrastructure teams regarding proposed tool changes that will help accelerate contribution or otherwise enable the community.
  • Establish best practices and recommendations regarding project namespace allocation, commit access to the Git repositories, the bug/issue/patch/review process, abandoned module process, and other key community workflows.
  • Maintain a curated list of standards and policies maintained by the group, and propose additional standards and policies as the need for such is identified. Expansion of the TWG’s scope to include these proposed additions shall be subject to approval by Dries Buytaert and/or his designate(s).


Items specifically not within the scope of the TWG’s charter:

  • The TWG does not get involved with direct personal conflicts, outside of advising on and enforcing existing technical policies, unless mediation assistance is requested by the Community Working Group (CWG).
  • The TWG does not direct day-to-day implementation or decisions regarding the operation of or the supporting infrastructure; though TWG supported recommendations and policies may indirectly influence longer-term strategic operational or infrastructure decisions.
  • The TWG does not determine which patches or features to commit to any project, including Drupal Core. This responsibility belongs to the individual project and branch maintainers.
  • The TWG’s focus is on enablement and support of the Drupal community, not the core Drupal project. The TWG does not drive the technical roadmap or strategic decisions for Drupal core or contrib, including (but not limited to) policies on backwards compatibility or release timing and management; excepting those which have been sanctioned as falling within the TWG’s scope of responsibility (e.g. maintaining the Drupal Core coding standards).
  • The TWG may not enforce a newly created standard or policy until inclusion of that policy into the TWG’s scope of responsibility has been officially approved and sanctioned by Dries Buytaert and/or his designate(s).


Requesting technical clarification

Individuals seeking clarification on any policy, procedure, best practice, or standard maintained by the technical working group should first refer to the official TWG documentation regarding the policy or standard in question. If still unclear, and/or the documentation itself could benefit from further elaboration, individuals should bring their concern forward to the TWG. When seeking clarification from the TWG, be sure to provide enough background information for the TWG to understand the context in which the question is being asked.

Proposing changes to existing policies and/or standards

Any party who feels a policy or standard maintained by the TWG is unreasonable may propose a change to the policy in question. Generally, modification proposals should solicit discussion and support from members of the Drupal community before being brought forward to the TWG.
Received proposals will be evaluated by the TWG, and may be accepted, rejected, or referred back to the proposer with a request for further elaboration or community discussion on the issue. In some cases, the TWG may refer the issue directly back to the community for further discussion before making a final decision.

Resolving technical conflict

Where disagreement should arise due to varied interpretations of a particular policy or standard maintained by the TWG, individuals may request clarification from the TWG as identified above. If the TWG’s clarification is not sufficient to resolve the disagreement, individuals should step through the Conflict Resolution Process (CRP), with the assistance of the CWG if necessary. If further involvement from the TWG is required to assist in resolving the conflict (for example, the disagreement can only be resolved through an addition or modification to an existing policy), the CWG may then refer the matter back to the TWG for resolution.

Transparency and Appeals

The TWG aims to be as transparent as possible by documenting its decisions publicly.
Individuals who do not agree with a given TWG decision may escalate to Dries Buytaert and/or his designate(s), who will review the decision and can choose to either uphold or alter it. In the meantime, the decision of the TWG stands.


The current members are (in no particular order):

  • TODO

Members are appointed by the Dries and/or their designate(s).

Charter revisions

The charter will be revised as needed. Any proposed charter revisions must be ratified by the Drupal Association Board and/or their designate(s) prior to acceptance into this charter.


LeeHunter’s picture

I have added this issue which is relevant to all the proposed working group charters #1934018: Formalize stakeholder roles in working group charters.

sun’s picture

Humm... this is a lot of text for something that essentially just tries to say this:

  1. The TWG maintains Drupal coding and documentation standards, policies, best practice documents, licensing, and related documentation materials on
  2. The TWG only tries to form community consensus. It does not decide on new rules or guidelines on their own. At maximum, it provides recommendations for dispute resolution to Dries.
  3. The TWG does not influence the technical roadmap, changes, or strategic decisions for Drupal core or contributed projects in any way.

Did I miss something?

In any case, I think it would be a good idea to simplify (and heavily shorten) this charter. To me it reads a bit like the first draft of the DCOC, which contained too much repetition and details, and we should get to a simple version instead that everyone can parse and understand within 60 seconds.

Lastly, it looks like the TWG will either intersect with the documentation maintainers, or remove responsibilities from them (since most of these policy and guidelines pages are more or less maintained by the documentation team right now).

catch’s picture

Coding standards are currently decided on in the core queue, I don't see any reason to move them out of there to an 'official' working group. i.e. as a core developer I do not want to be expected to implement standards defined outside of the core process.

jthorson’s picture

I would classify those specifically as "Core" coding standards, in which case your concern would be covered off by

The TWG does not set policies or standards for individual projects, including core.

However, we also have coding standards (or perhaps more accurately, 'best practices') which are applied more widely within the overall project ... the standards encouraged within the Project Applications queue being one example. The debates over db_query() versus db_select() is another example ... while the initial debate may have been focused specifically around core, it resulted in a recommendation (albeit contested) being made for contrib as well within the docs pages.

Personally, I also interpret the term 'coding standards' fairly loosely, to also include concepts such as the policy regarding inclusion of 3rd party code in contrib projects ... a quick look at the revision history of demonstrates that we could benefit from an 'official' home for this as well.

catch’s picture

@jthorson - I'm not sure it does cover it, the two paragraphs appear to explicitly contradict each other at the moment. You can't have a working group responsible for "only coding standards which don't cover core" - db_select() vs. db_query() is exactly the sort of issue which is a core standard which then gets picked up (or not) by contrib.

jhodgdon’s picture

I think that what we really need is a group that will set up processes that actually work for adopting coding standards, and to shepherd that process to the point of being the ones to say "this is now adopted". Whether or not this is the Technical Working Group, I am not sure... but right now I would not say that the "core process" for adopting coding standards actually works, and one could argue that this process doesn't even exist (it isn't really written down anywhere, to my knowledge). And the coding standards that are adopted this way seem mostly to apply both to core and contrib, at least in principle (at least the discussions I've been involved with).

As to why I think we need this... I personally have had bad experiences over the past few years with following what I understand to be the process for adopting documentation-related standards, only to have certain members of the core dev community get very angry about the standards that were adopted... It's really not OK, and it makes me very leary of even getting into standards discussions, even when they're desperately needed.

jthorson’s picture


I can see the potential contradiction there; perhaps the "With community input" aspect of this charter is under-represented. My internal interpretation of the sentence is more aligned with "The TWG does not [unilaterally] set policies or standards for individual projects, including core", while the current wording does leave itself open to varied interpretation.

Sticking with the core coding standards as an example, the intent is certainly not to replace the current process ... core coding standards would continue to be discussed and developed within the issue queues. What the TWG would add is a formalized mechanism to:

  • Validate that policies actually do represent community consensus, rather than "policy by virtue of the largest personality" or "silo'd consensus amongst a small few" in an otherwise undiscovered thread,
  • Serve as a facilitator for difficult or largely divisive issues, ensuring that all stakeholder concerns are considered before a policy is formalized, and following through on stalled discussions to avoid the 'smoking crater' syndrome,
  • Ensure that policy and standards changes are communicated out to the greater community when they do occur, rather than depending on self-discovery and word of mouth, and
  • Play the role of 'owner', from the perspective of a defined single point of contact for policy related questions and clarification requests from within the community.

The subtle distinction is that the above points speak more to a responsibility for established and 'newly defined' coding standards ... as opposed to a responsibility for 'defining new' ones.

catch’s picture

Validate that policies actually do represent community consensus, rather than "policy by virtue of the largest personality" or "silo'd consensus amongst a small few" in an otherwise undiscovered thread,

Anything that applies to changes in core code generally goes through this one way or the other because the patches actually have to get committed. I have heard rumours about coding standards pages getting 'fixed' unilaterally but that feels like a different problem.

personally have had bad experiences over the past few years with following what I understand to be the process for adopting documentation-related standards, only to have certain members of the core dev community get very angry about the standards that were adopted... It's really not OK

Right I'm aware of those issues as well, but this is the case with almost any far-ranging core change - not everyone can be involved in every issue, sometimes things happen that you don't know about then you get very fed up with them months later, sometimes people get bitter inside, sometimes they re-open issues to try to change things back.

However while it's often a frustrating process, there is at least the potential for those who have to implement the standards in the code they contribute to make the decisions in the first place, even if they don't participate individually or sometimes issues go in ways they don't agree with. (i.e. I absolutely hate the acronym capitalisation standard we're about to adopt but am also resigned to it happening), and stuff isn't set in stone and can be revisited - like the string concatenation change in Drupal 7.

webchick’s picture

Coding standards are currently decided on in the core queue, I don't see any reason to move them out of there to an 'official' working group.

I can think of all kinds of reasons. :)

1) Coding standards are currently decided by 5-7 people who happened to find an issue in amongst 10,000 other open issues, not a broader consensus of the core development team.

2) Coding standards are decided on a one-off basis, with no tie-in to a broader scope/vision. Witness all the various "Should we use e-mail or email?" type of issues.

3) We've invented coding standards for all kinds of things that have absolutely no business being coding standards. Like starting docblock comments with an active verb like "Blahs." This is needlessly pedantic and we don't need more reasons to mark a patch "needs work."

4) There's also none of the people inventing one-off coding standards caring for tools to ensure compliance with coding standards, like drupalcs. Couple that with the volume of new rules we invent every week, and as a result, I don't even know what all the rules are, and I'm a core committer!

I think it definitely makes sense for there to be core developer (as well as contrib developer) representation on the TWG (like Jennifer Hodgdon would be a great fit, if she were interested). But it definitely *does not* make sense to keep doing our coding standards like we're doing now.

webchick’s picture

However while it's often a frustrating process, there is at least the potential for those who have to implement the standards in the code they contribute to make the decisions in the first place. [...] stuff isn't set in stone and can be revisited.

Don't understand how that'd be less true with a TWG? In fact, it's arguably more true. You could petition to an actual decision-making body empowered to change things, as opposed to now where you need to find and convince a one-off volunteer contributor who may flit in and out.

The charters don't really get into the day-to-day workings of each of the individual teams, but the idea is they'd come up with policies to define how to make a change, etc. It might even look extremely similar to the process we use now, except a) the issues would probably be in their own queue rather than scattered around the biggest queue we have on an ad-hoc basis, and b) someone could actually make a decision at the end. Right now, that's a problem.

catch’s picture

1) Coding standards are currently decided by 5-7 people who happened to find an issue in amongst 10,000 other open issues, not a broader consensus of the core development team.

How would a working group increase that number to be a broad consensus? Because it's an official group or is there an actual process not stated in the charter to attempt to increase participation? Also we know that issues with 50 people on don't necessarily get resolved any better than those with 5-7.

3) We've invented coding standards for all kinds of things that have absolutely no business being coding standards. Like starting docblock comments with an active verb like "Blahs." This is needlessly pedantic and we don't need more reasons to mark a patch "needs work."

There's nothing to say a working group will revoke lots of overly pedantic standards, or that we can't file issues to revert those standards now.

Most of the 3 pages of issues you linked to are "make x module pass coder review" sub-issues, not coding standards discussions at all. The very oldest issues also have only 2-3 comments on which suggests lack of interest rather than gridlock.

webchick’s picture

"How would a working group increase that number to be a broad consensus?"

It doesn't. :) That's why I'm confused why you see this as a loss of "democracy" (or maybe i'm misreading your comments?)

The key difference is it's the same 5-7 people rather than random ones with no continuity or plan among them. And the same crowd of ~30 people who care about these things can participate in those discussions the same as they do in the core queue today.

"There's nothing to say a working group will revoke lots of overly pedantic standards, or that we can't file issues to revert those standards now."

We can definitely file issues to revert them now. The problem is, no one is empowered to make a decision about it (or maybe rather everyone is empowered to make a decision about them :P). So they will sit there until they gather enough consensus to overrule the previous consensus, rather than being based on actual data, logic, etc. This isn't a good way to make decisions that affect tens of thousands of people.

catch’s picture

The key difference is it's the same 5-7 people rather than random ones with no continuity or plan among them.

5-7 people who are appointed rather than 5-7 people who are self-selecting volunteers yes.

The problem is, no one is empowered to make a decision about it (or maybe rather everyone is empowered to make a decision about them :P).

Core committers have final say if there's a stand-off usually. Core committers are 'appointed' too (before anyone brings that up) but the only power really is veto rather than enforcement.

So they will sit there until they gather enough consensus to overrule the previous consensus, rather than being based on actual data, logic, etc. This isn't a good way to make decisions that affect tens of thousands of people.

I actually don't remember any coding standards issues that were in heated deadlock very recently, are there particular ones you have in mind (I can remember some from a year or three ago of course).

Coding standards issues aren't immune from data and logic, and plenty of core issues that are nothing to do with code style have an element of taste about them. See #1906474: [policy adopted] Stop documenting methods with "Overrides …" and #1627350: Patch for: Case of acronyms in class names (SomethingXSSClassName versus SomethingXssClassName) for two issues which have are 'coding standards' but are almost 100% technical discussions with extremely little bikeshedding.

No one claims the core queue is perfect, but taking decisions that affect core development out of it is a slippery slope to many other kinds of decisions also moving to appointed groups.

webchick’s picture

Ok cool, thanks. That makes your concerns more clear.

I can only imagine that the people appointed to these various groups will largely be the same self-selecting volunteer group we have today, just formalizing it more for transparency, so that people not in the core queue every day will understand who's who. But since this isn't spelled out in the charter (and really can't/shouldn't be), I can understand being nervous about it.

Crell’s picture

On the coding standards front, two points:

1) I see the main change here being from "consensus of whichever 30 people happened by the issue this week, which often include someone who is just stubborn and blocks consensus" (which is a well-known design flaw of *any* consensus-based process) to "consensus of 5 people who pay close attention to these topics, informed by the input of whichever 30 people happened by the issue queue this week". I see that as a definite improvement. Currently we de facto often end up with "consensus of Jen Hodgdon after she's been beaten down by varying strong opinions in the issue queue and just wants it to end...", which is really not a good situation for anyone, particularly Jen.

It's been my experience, both personal and professional, that when you move someone from a de facto position of quasi-authority (based on their karma) to a position of de jure authority with an expectation of taking input, one or two things happens:

A) They go "ah ha, I can make decisions now and ignore all that riff raff", and close up.
B) They become *more* sensitive to outside input, and will accept more and more varied input, because they are comfortable that at the end of the day they have the room to take that input and make a decision, even if it annoys someone, because they *are* empowered to look at a bigger picture and not get lost in the weeds.

The challenge of course is ensuring that such a committee gets populated by group B type people, not group A type people. That's on Dries to pick B-group people. :-) But with the right people in that role, having people actually Empowered To Decide(tm) can lead to more consensus and less contention, not to a white-tower situation (which I suspect is the fear). That doesn't mean "taking decisions out of the issue queues". It means clarifying who gets to set those issues to RTBC or fixed.

The same logic applies to most of this document, and (I imagine) the other WG charters. (I'm off to read those next.)

2) All that said, I agree that the scope of TWG is not entirely clear. What falls under "coding standards"? Reading it, my first thought was "all that formatting and documentation stuff on that node with the magic number that Jen has memorized". However, several people here jumped immediately to db_query() vs. db_select(), which is a very technical question with hard data behind it (or there should be hard data, anyway). Where do "coding standards" end and "best practices" begin, and where do they both run into "dude, X is not now the system is architected, don't do that"? It's not clear to me where those lines are.

Crell’s picture

Another question: Would the TWG be responsible for things like technical relationships with other bodies? I'm thinking specifically of the Framework Interoperability Group, to which I am the Drupal representative. Mostly that's by virtue of me stepping forward and Dries never telling me not to. :-) (I think I emailed him once and he said "yeah, keep doing it", but I don't recall for sure.) Would that be separate, or would FIG Representative be a part of the TWG (meaning I'd have to either be part of TWG or step down from FIG; in which case I'd prefer the former as I think we're doing really good work over there).

jhodgdon’s picture

RE #16 - It seems to me that the TWG is supposed to kind of *oversee* stuff and make sure things are going in the right direction, by making group decisions on policy, not *do* everything.

So they might be responsible for making sure we have an official Drupal rep in these kinds of bodies, and maybe they would be responsible for saying who our official rep is (rather than it being "email Dries and keep doing it"), but since I think all these charters say members of working groups do not act as individuals, I don't see why the rep would have to be a member of the TWG or why anyone would want you to step down from a role that I imagine is a good fit for you and a benefit for the Drupal project and the FIG working group.

Crell’s picture

I'm not so much concerned about getting replaced when this goes into effect; more trying to work out, e.g., how we'd go about selecting a new rep should I get hit a by a bus. Knowing what the process is for "naming ambassadors" before we need to name them is generally a good thing, and of the various charters FIG seemed to fit here the least-bad. :-)

Crell’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Added initial draft

Dries’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

I've committed a final version of the charter to the Governance Git repository at I've also updated the issue summary with this text so you can view the "diff".

The main point of contention seemed to be around decision-making for policies taken away from people who do the work and instead to a smaller body of 3-5 appointed people. I've clarified the language of the charter to reflect that the point of this group is to ensure that these policies exist, and are working well, and within that scope the TWG can appoint individuals and/or groups to oversee individual policies, as makes sense. This should get us the best of both worlds, so that teams doing work are empowered but at the same time there's a group taking more of a strategic/proactive/holistic view of technical policies. For example, the TWG could decide that the coding standards are maintained by the core developers through a consensus building process.

As far as PHP-FIG goes, I'd prefer not to formalize that as a governance at this point. I feel that it's great that Larry takes on that role, but currently at least, coordination with other groups can happen on an as-needed basis by whoever wishes to do that work in standard "do-ocracy" fashion.

Keep in mind that this will be a living document. Going forward, please propose further refinements by submitting a patch against the charter in Git.

I believe this addresses all comments, so marking fixed. Thanks all!

The next step is to appoint the inaugural members for the Technical Working Group. More about that later.

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Anonymous’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.