I want to use the jQuery-Mobile-Bootstrap-Theme, but I I don't know how to integrate it into Mobile jQuery Theme.


JoeRobertsPhotography’s picture


The way I added in a theme roller I just copied the html.tpl.php and put it into my sub theme. Then I added

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/all/themes/mytheme/styles/mythemerollertheme.min.css" />

just after the below

print $styles;

at line 53. I then had to add a line after that to adjust the rolled theme the way I wanted by adding the following code

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/all/themes/mytheme/styles/mytheme.min.css" />

Here is a way at least until there is a way to add in through the jquerymobile module to add it in just after the query code.

You can also change the default theme of the theme that you just rolled by going into the jquery mobile (sub theme) theme settings and changing the drop down of Global Theme (data-theme)

A Theme is equal to Black
B Theme is equal to Blue
C Theme is equal to White
D Theme is equal to Grey
E Theme is equal to Yellow

I hope that helps.


fishfree’s picture

Thank you! I will try that!