The current algorithm uses the proximity query type as mentioned in the Apache SOlr Wiki, however as per Nick_vh there may be a better solution. Copy-pasta-ing here so we can discuss how we can implement this into the module.

<requestHandler name="/closer" class="solr.StandardRequestHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="q">_query_:"{!dismax qf=$qfQuery mm=1 pf=$pfQuery bq=$boostQuery v=$q}"</str>
<str name="qfQuery">title</str>
<str name="pfQuery">title^1000</str>
<str name="boostQuery">_query_:"{!dismax qf=$boostQueryQf mm=100% v=$mainQuery}"^100</str>
<str name="boostQueryQf">title</str>
<str name="df">title</str>



From Nick,

Query for words that are closer to each other (term proximity). I wonder if we can rewrite this so we don't need a special handler