Any chance you could implement dropdown menues for the - btw really stylish implemented - primary links?
Or at least give me a howto? The common solutions (Nice Menues, DHTML Menues, ...) seem to collide with this theme...
Thanks, Bene


YAFA’s picture

Hehe, I just started testing this theme for an installation and downloaded the modules. Another module I want to try it with, is dropdown_menu, but there is nearly no documentation about how to use it. I've not been so deep into Drupal-Code yet, just a view customizations.

If it was able to implement it directly into the theme, it would ease things and I'd really appreciate it.

Felix aka YAFA

ejwensley’s picture

I'm interested in this too.

kimkha’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » kimkha

who answer Bene's question????
With dropdown_menu, I can not find howto use it... hix

chrisblackwell’s picture

This can be done by playing with the hierarchy of the links in the link menu. Are you trying to create real time drop down menus like in javascript, or click and expand?

mafet’s picture

has anyone found a way to do this yet?