Hi All,

as the title says, I can't log in to Drupal.org from Opera. I'm writing this post really as a heads up in case this issue is not known. I've done a search but nothing seems relevant to this site here.

The error I get is that my password is not recognised.

A couple more things - Firefox and IE log in to the site fine. Opera has problems with no other sites that I know of - I can log in to my own Drupal dev site fine from the same Opera session ( and FF and IE).

Not a big issue - I'll go back to using FF. Just through someone might like to know and hope this is of use,



marcvangend’s picture

I'm not saying I have THE answer, but did you try the following:
- Upgrade to the latest Opera version (9.24) if you don't have it already
- Check the site preferences (right click anywhere on drupal.org and choose 'Edit site preferences...'), delete all cookies and make sure new cookies are accepted.