No matter what setting I use, after commenting a node, the comment wont show on commenter facebook wall. I managed to show an overlay on comment saying that comment was not added to facebook add or not. But to test all options, on next comment I turned off - show on fb checkbox. Even after switching it on from then on, no comment is displayed on wall. I use views to display comments block since I can be in controll of displaying widget per node as well as the position. Here is my export

$fb_social_preset = new stdClass();
$fb_social_preset->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default fb_social_preset disabled initially */
$fb_social_preset->api_version = 1;
$fb_social_preset->name = 'FB-comments';
$fb_social_preset->description = '';
$fb_social_preset->plugin_type = 'comments';
$fb_social_preset->settings = array(
  'node_types' => array(
    'types' => array(
      'gal_item' => 'gal_item',
      'advpoll' => 0,
      'book' => 0,
      'clanok' => 0,
      'closedquestion' => 0,
      'poll' => 0,
      'gal_home' => 0,
      'gallery' => 0,
  'plugin_location' => array(
    'node_view_modes' => array(
      'full' => 0,
      'teaser' => 0,
      'rss' => 0,
      'search_index' => 0,
      'search_result' => 0,
      'print' => 0,
      'token' => 0,
  'plugin_comments_count' => array(
    'count' => 0,
    'cache' => '30',
  'plugin_comments_seo' => array(
    'seo' => 0,
    'nr_comments' => '100',
    'cache_length' => '720',
  'block' => 1,
$fb_social_preset->fb_attrs = array(
  'numposts' => '30',
  'width' => '620',
  'colorscheme' => 'light',
  'migrated' => 0,


nevosa’s picture

same here.