I am getting this error when upgrading:

Initialized Drupal site drupal_upgrade at sites/drupal_upgrade                                                                                                                            [notice]
Command site-upgrade-prepare needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command.                               [error]
The drush command 'site-upgrade-prepare adminrole admin_menu content email fieldgroup filefield imagefield link linkimagefield nodereference number optionwidgets text userreference         [error]
custom_search custom_search_blocks custom_search_taxonomy date date_api date_locale date_popup date_timezone imageapi imageapi_gd imagecache imagecache_ui markdown spamspan mobile_tools
i18nblocks i18n i18nstrings nodequeue nodequeue_randomizer smartqueue service_links general_services widget_services ed_readmore auto_nodetitle better_formats unlimited_css job_queue
lightbox2 node_adoption pathauto poormanscron quotes config_perms token token_actions transliteration antispam googleanalytics jquery_ui insert_view views views_export views_ui framework
journal-21-mobile' could not be executed.
Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) the Drupal database.                                                                                                                                 [error]
Hint: This error often occurs when Drush is trying to bootstrap a site that has not been installed or does not have a configured database.

Drush was attempting to connect to : 
  Drupal version    : 6.28
  Site URI          : drupal_upgrade
  Database driver   : mysql
  Database hostname :
  Database username : drupaluser
  Database name     : drupal_upgrade
  Default theme     : garland
  Administration theme: garland
  PHP configuration : 
  Drush version     : 5.4
  Drush configuration: /Users/username/.drushrc.php
  Drupal root       : /Users/username/Sites/drupal
  Site path         : sites/drupal_upgrade
  Modules path      : sites/all/modules
  Themes path       : sites/all/themes
  %paths            : Array

You can select another site with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri parameter on the command line or $options['uri'] in your drushrc.php file.

Command dispatch complete                                                                                                                                                                       [notice]

This is how I call the upgrade:

drush site-upgrade @onward --auto --verbose

And this is my drush.aliases.inc:


$hosts = '/Users/username/Sites/';
$domain = 'drupal_upgrade';
$alias = 'drupal_upgrade';

$aliases['onward'] = array(
  'root' => '/Users/username/Sites/drupal_upgrade',
  'uri' => 'http://drupal_upgrade:8082',
  'default' =>array (
    'default' =>    array (
      'database' => 'drupal_upgrade',
      'username' => 'drupaluser',
      'password' => '',
      'host' => '',
      'port' => '33066',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',

Am I doing something wrong?

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Lukas von Blarer’s picture

25.43 KB

And this is the full debug output

greg.1.anderson’s picture

Category: bug » support
Status: Active » Fixed

If your source site is defined by the alias @d6, then call site-upgrade like this:

drush @d6 site-upgrade @onward

Alternately, cd to the directory that contains your source sites' settings.php file, and run your site-upgrade command as you were doing before.

Hint: Don't use --auto until you have the basics working! The prompts can be helpful.

Also, I don't see the intended purpose of the following lines; these do nothing.

$hosts = '/Users/username/Sites/';
$domain = 'drupal_upgrade';
$alias = 'drupal_upgrade';
Lukas von Blarer’s picture

22.89 KB

Yes, I executed the command in the root directory of the source site.

The three lines at the top don't do anything in the example. I use them locally to set the values of all site aliases. I had to anonymify the scripts to post them on d.o.

I did now try with an alias for the source site as well without the auto option:

drush @d6 site-upgrade @onward --verbose

And it failed again:

You will destroy data from drupal_d6 and replace with data from drupal_d6.

You might want to make a backup first, using the sql-dump command.

Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Calling system(mysqldump --result-file /private/tmp/drupal_d6.sql.be6J1o --no-autocommit --single-transaction --opt -Q  drupal_d6 --host= --port=33066 --user=drupaluser --password= --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary );
Calling system(mysql --database=drupal_d6 --host= --port=33066 --user=drupaluser --password= --silent < /private/tmp/drupal_d6.sql.be6J1o);
Command dispatch complete                                                                                    [notice]
copy(sites/drupal_d6/settings.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied drush.inc:792             [warning]
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                          [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;Could not create a temporary multisite &#039;
AND s.textgroup = &#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                          [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;Could not create a temporary multisite &#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;)
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                   [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Could not create a temporary multisite                                                                    [error]
Command dispatch complete                                                                                    [notice]
Table &#039;drupal_d6.semaphore&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                               [warning]
query: DELETE FROM semaphore WHERE value = &#039;429910795162b453d65595.66521659&#039;

It seems to confuse the source and the destination db. After the script finishes both my source and my destination databases are empty.

This is my current aliases file:


$hosts = '/Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/';
$domain = 'drupal_upgrade';
$alias = 'drupal_upgrade';

$aliases['onward'] = array(
  'root' => $hosts . $domain,
  'uri' => 'http://' . $alias . ':8082',
  'default' =>array (
    'default' =>    array (
      'database' => 'drupal_upgrade',
      'username' => 'drupaluser',
      'password' => '',
      'host' => '',
      'port' => '33066',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',

$aliases['d6'] = array(
  'root' => '/Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/drupal_d6',
  'uri' => 'http://drupal_d6:8082',
  'default' =>array (
    'default' =>    array (
      'database' => 'drupal_d6',
      'username' => 'drupaluser',
      'password' => '',
      'host' => '',
      'port' => '33066',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',

Where could this be coming from?

Lukas von Blarer’s picture

I fixed the permission problem, but the issue still persists. "You will destroy data from drupal_d6 and replace with data from drupal_d6." Something is not right... Again, afterwards both databases are empty.

You will destroy data from drupal_d6 and replace with data from drupal_d6.

You might want to make a backup first, using the sql-dump command.

Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Calling system(mysqldump --result-file /private/tmp/drupal_d6.sql.pjcRaI --no-autocommit --single-transaction --opt -Q  drupal_d6 --host= --port=33066 --user=drupaluser --password= --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary );
Calling system(mysql --database=drupal_d6 --host= --port=33066 --user=drupaluser --password= --silent < /private/tmp/drupal_d6.sql.pjcRaI);
Command dispatch complete                                                                                   [notice]
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;executing !cmd&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;executing !cmd&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
executing /usr/bin/php /Users/lukasvonblarer/dev/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php  --invoke --yes         [notice]
--verbose --root=/Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/drupal_d6 --uri=drupal_d6 site-upgrade-prepare
adminrole admin_menu content email fieldgroup filefield imagefield link linkimagefield nodereference
number optionwidgets text userreference custom_search custom_search_blocks custom_search_taxonomy date
date_api date_locale date_popup date_timezone imageapi imageapi_gd imagecache imagecache_ui markdown
spamspan mobile_tools i18nblocks i18n i18nstrings nodequeue nodequeue_randomizer smartqueue service_links
general_services widget_services ed_readmore auto_nodetitle better_formats unlimited_css job_queue
lightbox2 node_adoption pathauto poormanscron quotes config_perms token token_actions transliteration
antispam googleanalytics jquery_ui insert_view views views_export views_ui framework journal-21-mobile
--uninstall= > `tty` 2>&1
Calling proc_open(/usr/bin/php /Users/lukasvonblarer/dev/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php  --invoke --yes --verbose --root=/Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/drupal_d6 --uri=drupal_d6 site-upgrade-prepare adminrole admin_menu content email fieldgroup filefield imagefield link linkimagefield nodereference number optionwidgets text userreference custom_search custom_search_blocks custom_search_taxonomy date date_api date_locale date_popup date_timezone imageapi imageapi_gd imagecache imagecache_ui markdown spamspan mobile_tools i18nblocks i18n i18nstrings nodequeue nodequeue_randomizer smartqueue service_links general_services widget_services ed_readmore auto_nodetitle better_formats unlimited_css job_queue lightbox2 node_adoption pathauto poormanscron quotes config_perms token token_actions transliteration antispam googleanalytics jquery_ui insert_view views views_export views_ui framework journal-21-mobile   --uninstall= > `tty` 2>&1);
Initialized Drupal 6.28 root directory at /Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/drupal_d6                          [notice]
Initialized Drupal site drupal_d6 at sites/drupal_d6                                                  [notice]
Command site-upgrade-prepare needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need invoke drush from a   [error]
more functional Drupal environment to run this command.
The drush command 'site-upgrade-prepare adminrole admin_menu content email fieldgroup filefield          [error]
imagefield link linkimagefield nodereference number optionwidgets text userreference custom_search
custom_search_blocks custom_search_taxonomy date date_api date_locale date_popup date_timezone imageapi
imageapi_gd imagecache imagecache_ui markdown spamspan mobile_tools i18nblocks i18n i18nstrings nodequeue
nodequeue_randomizer smartqueue service_links general_services widget_services ed_readmore auto_nodetitle
better_formats unlimited_css job_queue lightbox2 node_adoption pathauto poormanscron quotes config_perms
token token_actions transliteration antispam googleanalytics jquery_ui insert_view views views_export
views_ui framework journal-21-mobile' could not be executed.
Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) the Drupal database.                                             [error]
Hint: This error often occurs when Drush is trying to bootstrap a site that has not been installed or
does not have a configured database.

Drush was attempting to connect to :
  Drupal version    : 6.28
  Site URI          : drupal_d6
  Database driver   : mysql
  Database hostname :
  Database username : drupaluser
  Database name     : drupal_d6
  Default theme     : garland
  Administration theme: garland
  PHP configuration :
  Drush version     : 5.4
  Drush configuration: /Users/lukasvonblarer/.drushrc.php
  Drupal root       : /Users/lukasvonblarer/Sites/drupal_d6
  Site path         : sites/drupal_d6
  Modules path      : sites/all/modules
  Themes path       : sites/all/themes
  %paths            : Array

You can select another site with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri
parameter on the command line or $options['uri'] in your drushrc.php file.

Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;Command dispatch complete&#039; AND
s.textgroup = &#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;Command dispatch complete&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Command dispatch complete                                                                                   [notice]
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size KB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size KB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size MB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size MB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size GB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size GB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size TB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size TB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size PB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size PB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size EB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size EB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size ZB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size ZB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;@size YB&#039; AND s.textgroup =
&#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;@size YB&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM locales_source s LEFT JOIN locales_target t ON s.lid =
t.lid AND t.language = &#039;de&#039; WHERE s.source = &#039;Peak memory usage was !peak&#039; AND
s.textgroup = &#039;default&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.locales_source&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                         [warning]
query: INSERT INTO locales_source (location, source, textgroup, version) VALUES (&#039;/index.php&#039;,
&#039;Peak memory usage was !peak&#039;, &#039;default&#039;, &#039;6.28&#039;) database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.cache&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                                  [warning]
query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid LIKE &#039;locale:%&#039; database.mysqli.inc:134
Table &#039;drupal_d6.semaphore&#039; doesn&#039;t exist                                              [warning]
query: DELETE FROM semaphore WHERE value = &#039;149777180651638db102eb80.98251652&#039;

Lukas von Blarer’s picture

32.86 KB

And the full debug log.

greg.1.anderson’s picture

From your logs:

copy(sites/drupal_d6/settings.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied drush.inc:792             [warning]

Make sure that drush_sup can write the settings.php file in the target site.

Lukas von Blarer’s picture

The run in #4 already fixed that, right?

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

greg.1.anderson’s picture

Status: Closed (fixed) » Active

Sorry, mis-read the report in #6; this is still active. Have you solved your problem yet? I'm not sure why drush sup is confused about the database name to use for the target. As a test, try removing the database definition from the target alias file, and let drush sup generate the target database name. If that works, then there is a bug in the target alias determination code. I mostly used auto-generated target db names, so that's possible.

Lukas von Blarer’s picture

14.96 KB

I was just testing sup for that site... But I ran it again without the database definition and still got errors:

greg.1.anderson’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

My best guess is that the user you are running the site upgrade does not have the right to create a new database. Maybe pre-create the database identified in the output at the end of sup.txt in #10, or, failing that, run again in --debug mode, and post output around the area where drush sup is creating the database.