Sorry if I placed this question in the wrong place (possible at the wrong time ^_^)

I am new to Drupal and have been looking around to fulfill this requirement I have for my current website project.

I need a module (or a workaround with the database) which enables me to create a registration system inside the drupal website that I have created. I need to place a registration system into one of my content types (a Page).
So the thing is my website manages events. And now I need the registered members (of the website) to be able to register in one of the events managed by the website. In other words, I need a new member registration database specifically dedicated to those events. I also need the database to be cleared once the event has ended so I do not have to waste spaces for events that no longer in play..

Can anyone give me any advice?
Or maybe there is a module that can already do this for me?

Thank you very much for your attention and your help... I really really really appreciate it... Thank you..



wmostrey’s picture

An out-of-the-box solution is the event module.

If you're more experienced, you can set something like this up yourself using cck, date, signup, views and calendar.

fronbow’s picture

And don't forget the signup module.
It sounds like you might be able to accomplish your task with just the event module and the signup module.