Requirements for a valid API request

For making an API request to the SocialHub Publisher API you must provide the following data as query in the URL:

It is also required to send a application/json request content when making a HTTP POST or PUT request.

Generating a signature

A request signature is a SHA1-hash consisting of

  • HTTP method
  • Request URI (without query string)
  • Raw request content
  • App Secret Key as hashing-key

Example PHP code:

// The HTTP method.
$body = $request->getMethod() . '&';
// Request URI (without query string)
$body .= substr($request->getUri(), 0, strpos($request->getUri(), '?'));
// Raw, serialized request content
$body .= $request->getContent();
// Generating the signature SHA1-hash with the App Secret key as hashing-key.
$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $body, $app_secret_key, FALSE);