This is something in between a support and request issue.

I'm using a compact mode on nodes, ie. an image is a clickable shadowbox trigger. How do I properly place an additional text trigger below it, such as "Click to enlarge images"? When I simply put a text link and use jQuery to clone the rel and href attributes from the image trigger, Shadowbox gets fooled into thinking that the total number of images in the gallery is larger by one (instead of displaying "x of 4" it displays "x of 5"). So I assume this is not the right way to do that. What is then?

Can we perhaps have an additional field type which would safely accompany shadowbox image trigger, and allow a token to count all pictures to be viewed (as in: Click to see all %1 images) - whether it is a multiple-value field count, or a multi-node scope. The field should also be available in Views.