
We are using QuickTabs, Ajax enabled views. When they are invoked, the drop-down menus disappear -- meaning they no longer appear when you hover. We also lose functionality in the admin module -- it doesn't work. When we move off the Ajax view, everything is OK.

Can you advise? I have combed the forums and issues -- the closest I found was an issue with Facebook-Like Shares.

In closing, let me thank you for this nice clean theme. Looks great, loads quickly and is our choice for the coming year. We are a small nonprofit in Vermont that engages kids to write. We work with a lot of schools and provide them, for free, a Drupal platform to use as a digital classroom. We are now tweaking our development version for the coming year. And are shifting to Sky.

We thought long and hard about using Drupal 7, but felt too many things have changed and, as I said, we are small and have much else to do; we are deferring a switch to next year this time. We realize that we make this choice at some risk ... You, like many Drupal developers, are devoting your attention to 7. And we note that there has not been much response to issues in Sky 6 for several years.

But we are hoping someone out there can help us with this problem.

Thanks, in advance,


ggevalt’s picture

Heard from maintainer who says that he doesn't have time... Anyone out there have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance