
Background: I'm building a free shipping coupon type. I added a flat rate shipping which have a "component" with the rule to apply this service. I'm looping over all order coupons to see if there is a coupon type == free_shipping for make the service available if true. The problem is that the rules always give me coupon type = 'percentage'. This is the rule export

{ "commerce_shipping_service_ups_ground_free_shipping_coupon" : {
    "LABEL" : "Rate UPS - GROUND - Free Shipping Coupon",
    "PLUGIN" : "rule",
    "REQUIRES" : [ "rules" ],
    "USES VARIABLES" : { "commerce_order" : { "type" : "commerce_order", "label" : "Order" } },
    "IF" : [
      { "entity_has_field" : {
          "entity" : [ "commerce-order" ],
          "field" : "commerce_coupon_order_reference"
    "DO" : [
      { "LOOP" : {
          "USING" : { "list" : [ "commerce-order:commerce-coupon-order-reference" ] },
          "ITEM" : { "coupon_applied" : "Coupon applied" },
          "DO" : [
            { "component_rules_enable_free_shipping_if_coupon_applied" : {
                "commerce_coupon" : [ "coupon-applied" ],
                "commerce_order" : [ "commerce-order" ]
      { "drupal_message" : { "message" : [ "commerce-order:commerce-coupon-order-reference:0:type:label" ] } }

I also tried to use php evaluation. All the coupon data is correct EXCEPT coupon type.

Any help is welcome.