It would be awesome to have the option of adding in all the pageviews from old URLs that redirect to the current page.

For example, I've got a site that was migrated a couple of years ago, and kept all of the old content, but the URLs changed for every page. We've got redirects from all those old URLs to the new URLs. That means that Google Analytics has a bunch of pageviews that don't get counted anywhere by this module, even though they could be since the pages still exist.

A more particular example is like this.

Old URL: /blog/reallyLongTitleThatGetsCutOffSomewhe.html : Google Analytics has 2052 pageviews
New URL as of 3/1/12: /blog/2010/12/really-long-title-that-gets-cut-off-somewhere : Google Analytics has 234 pageviews

My site only reports that the page has 234 pageviews, when in reality it has 2286 pageviews total.

This actually happens even if I just change a node title within Drupal, since I automatically generate a new URL with pathauto and also automatically create a redirect from the old URL.



jtbayly’s picture

By the way, this functionality was just added to this module:

It could be a helpful reference in adding it here.

I'd prefer to stick with Google Analytics Statistics, for a variety of reasons. Any chance of this getting added, or should I just switch?


Grayside’s picture

I did not know about that module, very interesting. It has a rather large feature set, is there something this module does which that does not?

jtbayly’s picture

Well, for the time being, I switched to the other module for the functionality mentioned here. However, if my memory is correct, the difference is that the other module doesn't provide access to any of the GA statistics except page-views.

In other words, it simply replaces the core page-view tracking with a much better one.

Obviously this module allows you to do many other things such as creating Views that pull in all sorts of GA data. That's why I'd prefer this module add the mentioned functionality, since it seems like a reasonable thing for this module to do.

Please correct me, if I'm off on any of this. I'm simply going from my memory.
