In #1823012: Add IEF integration the controller class was replaced which is a thing we should try to avoid as if someone else does that, we're basically screwing them as the controller will be ours.

I think we should replace this by a regular form alter or something.

+function commerce_price_table_ief_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
+ // We'll use our custom contoller.
+ if (isset($entity_info['commerce_product'])) {
+ $entity_info['commerce_product']['inline entity form'] = array(
+ 'controller' => 'PriceTableCommerceProductInlineEntityFormController',
+ );
+ // We'll define a custom view mode for this entity.
+ $entity_info['commerce_product']['view modes']['inline_entity_form'] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Inline Entity Form'),
+ 'custom settings' => TRUE,
+ );
+ }