Would indeed be interesting when the core and og permisions would integrate closer together. I would like to give my group administrators some permission that is only available as core permission. May be this should be developed as extra module (that may be already exists and did not find yet). May be a select list of all the core permissions, so that you can choose which ones you want include in the og permissions table? I am just freely brainstorming. It might be that this needs a patching core, but at least I think that it would be good idea.

This feature would simplify a rather complicated process:

  • an extra core role for group admins is needed
  • an automatic process (with rules ?) is needed to maintain this new rol in sync with the og role
  • an extra and separate management of the core group permissions should be maintained


amitaibu’s picture

ñull’s picture

What I would need is exactly the other way around. og_role_override creates permission for core roles to play og roles. I would need permissions for og roles to play core roles.

I want to give the og administrators the right to use node_convert between collaborative and non-collaborative node types. The permissions of node_convert are only available at core level. Would be great when og_role_override would work in both directions allowing me to assign a core role to a og role.