I have a content type, "Photos".
A node queue to sort all of them. (there's ~150 of them, the client has placed them in the order she wants them seen in)
Photos have categories (a term)
When I look at Photo 1, I see the other 10 photos (as thumbnails) in in a view beneath the photo.
If I click NEXT on the CUSTOM PAGER, it takes me to the next photo, in the node queue... and so on, and so on... (remember, the node queue has ALL the photos)

The client *DOES NOT WANT* the custom pager to take them to another category.
They want the custom pager to ONLY click through the category.

I can't find any documentation on how to use the Arguments functionality in Custom Pagers for D7.
Is CUSTOM_PAGERS able to pull the term associated with the node, and use it for filtering which nodes its paging through?

I have the exact same view, that provides the thumbnails which only lists photos with the same category, (using the node's term as an argument to do that filtering) associated with the pager, but its not respecting the term.
