
Moneybird Commerce is a module developed for Drupal, whose role is to establish a link with the Moneybird platform for the contacts and invoices management.
This document has the objective to describe the features of the module, and to describe how to install it in Drupal, configure, and use it.


The module contains the following features:

  • A configuration page where the user can
    • enter the details to connect the module to his moneybird account
    • select the profile to use while generating the templates (also involves the language)
    • define if the module has to stay synchronized with moneybird even when the network link is down
    • synchronize manually the faulty contacts and invoices that couldn't be synchronized earlier
  • Creation of a Moneybird payment method in Commerce.
  • Automatically create the corresponding contact in Moneybird after a checkout is completed.
  • Automatically create the invoice in Moneybird after a checkout is completed.
  • Displays a link to the Moneybird invoice when the checkout is completed.
  • Displays a link to the Moneybird invoice while reviewing an order afterwards.

Please note that at this time synchronisation between Drupal and Moneybird is one-way only! Orders in Commerce are synced with Moneybird, on success synchronisation for that order will no longer happen.

User Guide

Pre-requirements and dependencies

Moneybird Commerce is compatible with Drupal 7.x only.

The module has the following dependencies :


We assume in this document that you know how to install a module in Drupal. Moneybird Commerce can be installed like any other module.


Once installed, you will find under the menu “Configuration” a new submenu : “Moneybird Commerce”. You can access the configuration page by clicking on “Configure Moneybird Commerce”.
The configuration page is also accessible at the url: /admin/config/moneybird_commerce/blocks
Moneybird Commerce configuration screen
Figure 1: configuration screen

From the configuration page, the following fields are available:


The subdomain to access moneybird. Example :


The email address to sign in in Moneybird.


The corresponding password.

Invoice template

The choice of the template to use to create the invoices. This field will be populated only after the subdomain, email address and password fields have been filled and saved a first time. The list of templates available will be provided by Moneybird.
Typically, Invoice Templates can be used to define the language to use for the invoices. This has to be created in Moneybird. The Moneybird Commerce module only allows to select the template.

Cron syncing

Defines if Drupal should be synchronized asynchronously to Moneybird. If selected, all orders that have failed to synchronize will be reattempted at each cron round.
Note that the synchronization is one way only, from Drupal to Moneybird.
Also note that the synchronization will happen one time only, at the time of the invoice creation in Moneybird. Whatever changes happen after on the Drupal side will not reflect later in Moneybird.

MoneyBird payment method

Moneybird Commerce takes care of creating a Moneybird payment method for Commerce. The payment method will be visible during the checkout, as shown in the screenshot below:
Moneybird Commerce payment method
Figure 2: Moneybird payment method - checkout screen

Contacts and Invoices creation

The Contact and Invoice creation will be done in Moneybird at the end of a checkout. The user will be informed by a message displayed on the screen:
Moneybird Commerce invoice link after checkout
Figure 3: checkout complete - Moneybird confirmation message at the top

The invoice will also be available in the My Account > Orders section (url : user/:uid/orders), as demonstrated in the screenshot below.
Moneybird Commerce orders overview of a single user
Figure 4: orders page for a single user

Moneybird Commerce order detail page
Figure 5: order detail page - link for the invoice is available at the top

Particular considerations

  • Contacts are unique and defined by their email address.
  • If an anonymous user makes an order and enters an e-mailaddress that has already been used for another order in Moneybird, the contact will be retrieved and matched in Moneybird.
  • If an authenticated user makes n orders, there will be only one contact created, and n invoices.

Please note that at this time synchronisation between Drupal and Moneybird is one-way only! Orders in Commerce are synced with Moneybird, on success synchronisation for that order will no longer happen.