Hi Flex slider maintainers,

I have a quick question/task:

I'm looking to have the slider feature various images 'full width' across the page, but all opaque minus the image being currently focused on in the slide rotation.

Two examples: http://cameronmacpherson.com/tripodhome.jpg and http://www.justinhackworth.com/#imagegalleries/Weddings/Weddings/6

Any way that flexslider could support this? Conversely, is there any approach you might suggest to make this happen?



rc2020’s picture

OK! I was able to figure this out on my own. It's a bit tricky and I didn't even end up using flex slider, but this put me on the right track. If you're looking to do something like this ping the thread and I'll explain it directly.

Selfirian’s picture

Hi, I'm looking to do something similar, what module did you use in order to achieve this?

T.Mardi’s picture

Hi, I'm looking to achieve the same but can't find any resources on how to do this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

An example of a Drupal site doing this with Flexslider I have come across is: http://openroadautogroup.com/

minorOffense’s picture

Your best bet is to ask the openroad folks directly (or ask via twitter).

If you find an answer, be sure to post it here too.

If I even need to implement something like that I'll post that here as well.