Problem Description

The minimum supported IE version is described differently in the UI than in the theme settings (and thus the info file). In the UI, the select list is labelled "Minimum Supported Internet Explorer Version”. If I choose IE8 and then export my settings to the info file, I see this:

settings[omega_internet_explorer_support] = 7

This is confusing, since it implies that the minimum supported version is 7.

Proposed Resolution

Since most devs think in terms of minimum supported version, the theme setting should reflect the UI and use “n” when the minimum supported version is n. Alternatively, the setting could be changed to something like settings[omega_support_greater_than_ie], although the former is likely preferable from a UX/DX point of view.


fubhy’s picture

Category: bug » task

I see your point and I fully agree. However, I feel that this is just a minor bottleneck and changing it would cause everyone who wants to upgrade to lose that setting. Let's postpone this to 7.x-4.1 - Or do you have an idea for how we can solve this without breaking BC?

msmithcti’s picture

Discussed this with @fubhy a few days ago. One solution would be to read both the old and new settings but only write the new one from now on. It doesn't seem like a very elegant solution though to be honest.

ry5n’s picture

Hmm… the best thing may be to postpone until a breaking change can be made.