(Please revise title to: "Commerce Extra causes Commerce Addressbook to stop updating fields using AJAX")


I use commerce_extra latest version, and commerce_addressbook rc7.

in the backend, when making settings on admin/commerce/config/checkout/form/pane/customer_profile_billing, in the lower fieldset "checkout pane configuration", i set "Related customer profile reference field" to "Billing information", i enable the checkbox "Enable the Address Book" and set "Select account's address field" to the user account's default and only address field.

In the frontend, when a user is checks out his order, the Addressbook's address selection field does display, but when choosing one of the saved addresses, the AJAX fields update function does not work, thus is not updating the name, address, postalcode and city etc...

When changing any of the fields, and then selecting any of the presaved fields from the address dropdown menu, the fields are updated with their original address information stored in the user profile. So the Addressbook information is overridden.