Modules are created to do all sorts of things: some modules create blocks (abbreviated content that often appears on the right or left side of the page), others create special content types (for full page content - such as the content you are reading right now), others track back-end information, and some do all the above. You may hear the phrases "Block modules" used to describe modules that primarily create block content (such as the menu module) or "Node modules" used to describe modules that primarily generate full page content (such as the blog and forum modules). At this stage, this module is a "block module", because it generates a block.

Later on we will show how to generate page content, which is very similar.

In this page of the tutorial the module will define a block that will eventually (after the next page of the tutorial) display the most recent blog and forum posts. The hook for creating blocks is called hook_block(). To implement any hook in Drupal, replace "hook" in the hook name with your module's short name, and create a function in the .module file with that name. So, we implement this hook by creating a function called onthisdate_block() in the onthisdate.module file.

Here's the basic format:

 * Implementation of hook_block().
 * @param string $op one of "list", "view", "save" and "configure"
 * @param integer $delta code to identify the block
 * @param array $edit only for "save" operation
function onthisdate_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {  


} // function onthisdate_block

The block function takes three parameters:

  • $op (or operation): hook_block() functions get called to perform 4 different operations, which are "list", "view", "save", and "configure". This parameter tells your function which operation is called for. We'll discuss the "list" operation below and the "view" operation on the next tutorial page. The "configure" and "save" operations allow your block to have a settings form and save the settings -- we won't be using them in this tutorial.
  • $delta: Your module can define more than one block in its "list" operation. Each block has a defined "delta" code, which is normally a number, and for the other operations, Drupal will pass in the "delta" value so you can identify which of a module's blocks to perform the operation on. This example module will only have one block. The core Drupal user module is an example of a module that has multiple blocks: user login block, who's new block and who's online block.
  • $edit: used only with the "save" operation and not discussed in this tutorial.

The first operation is the "list" operation, which lists the blocks the module supplies, and defines how they will be seen on the Administer >> Site Building >> Blocks page (the Blocks module will call this function with $op='list' when it is building the list of blocks for the blocks administration page).

Here are the details of the onthisdate_block() function (the next tutorial page has more):

 * Implementation of hook_block().
 * @param string $op one of "list", "view", "save" and "configure"
 * @param integer $delta code to identify the block
 * @param array $edit only for "save" operation
function onthisdate_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {  

  // set up an empty array which will contain the block contents
  $block = array();
  switch ($op) {
    case "list":
      // Generate listing of blocks from this module, for the admin/block page
      $block[0]["info"] = t('On This Date');
    case "view":

    case "save":

    case "configure":

  return $block;
} // function onthisdate_block

(Note for beginners: the opening <?php will only appear once in your module file, at the beginning, and the closing ?> will not appear in your file at all.)

OK, so let's talk about that code....

$block - $block is just a variable used to store the necessary data, before returning it. A module can define more than one block (e.g. a block which shows detailed information, and a different block which shows just summary information). Therefore the block variable is an array, and each item in the array represents one block that your module supplies.
$block[0] - our example module only supplies one block, which is stored in array element 0 (the first element of the array). The "0" array index is passed to the onthisdate_block function via the $delta value parameter that will be used in later operations. If we were defining multiple blocks, we would need to have a $block[0], $block[1], $block[2], etc.; we would also have to check the $delta value passed into the function for later operations.
$block[0]["info"] Each element (0, 1, 2) representing a block is also an array of key = value pairs. Some of the keys are "info", "cache", "weight", "status". That's a bit much for an intro lesson, so we are only going to consider "info", which is the human-readable name of your block that shows up on the block administration page. So, inside hook_block() our block is known as $delta = 0, but on the admin page it is known as On This Date.

The next tutorial page will cover generating the block content, by implementing the 'view' operation.

See Also


jkinsting’s picture

Although the use of this terminology of 'hook_foo' - where the writer is introducing a new hook called foo - is commonplace and certainly not restricted to this tutorial, I'd like to be so bold as to suggest it is very misleading to a newbie.

When one implements a specific hook (for a module called perhaps 'mymodule'), then the NAME of that function will be...


The format of this function name is MODULENAME_HOOKNAME. Always module name on the left side of the underscore and hook name on the right. In the case of the above example, we would have: mymodule_foo ('mymodule' being the module name and 'foo' being the hook name).

By using expressions like 'hook_foo', you are at least opening the door to the possibility of the reader getting the false impression that the hook name should be on the left.

Am I alone in having this concern?

AdrianSmithUK’s picture

I'm a drupal newbie but an experienced software developer and I also found the hook_block thing misleading.

I would much rather see modulename_hookname.

Kind Regards,

Stoob’s picture

agreed. Drupal is capable of confusing even the most experienced PHP developer with "drupal speak" and "the drupal way".

RichieRich’s picture

Yep, I was confused too. I'm a developer with 8 years of experience in the field of real time software development which involves writing applications that manage thousands of concurrent threads which control large automated solutions...HOWEVER...I still find Drupal's concepts harder to grasp than a lot of that stuff. It's almost as if people have gone out their way to make relatively simple concepts as incomprehensible as possible. This is why people shy away from Drupal in favour of Joomla. It's not because it's more difficult, it's just poorly explained.

Drupalex’s picture

Yes. I'm a newbie in Drupal and I was misleading the 'hook_foo' expression. I understood it only now, after a few hours of studying of this tutorial. Certainly the moduleName_hookName expression would have been better. :)

Kind Regards,
Alessandro G

igorjava’s picture

I am trying to learn more about drupal and i am confused with following....tutorial suggest that Block module calls this function.....

function onthisdate_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { 
  if ($op == "list") {
    // Generate listing of blocks from this module, for the admin/block page
    $block = array();
    $block[0]["info"] = t('On This Date');
    return $block;
} // function onthisdate_block

I looked into file block.module and cant find reference anywhere in this file about this function.....
I can find this function....

function block_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      $blocks = array();

I am curious how does Block module know about this custom block.
Why is the function ....

function onthisdate_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) receiving values like this.

Should this not be like this.....

function onthisdate_block($op, $delta,$edit)

Then it would receive the values by passing them to the call of this function...


Can anyone clear this up or point me to some tutorial on this.

xenophyle’s picture

The tutorial says that the module we are writing is a block module (which is a module that generates a block), not the block module that you find in drupal/modules/block. This tutorial is showing you how to create a new module; it's not talking about an already existing module.

The function definition you are wondering about
function onthisdate_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array())
uses the '=' to define default arguments. These are values that are used if the function is called without any parameters given.
See under Default Arguments for an easier example.

thegasman’s picture

I'm a Joomla! 1.5.x component/module developer thinking about making the transition to Drupal (developer). I was initially confused by the 't()' function. A bit of rooting around reveals that it is a text translate function - a bit like the JText::_() method in Joomla! Might be worth explicitly stating what it does in the text? Reassuringly the 'l()' (link) function is explained on the following page.

dambrisco’s picture

I've been using Drupal for.. well, only about 6 months now, but I've been under the impression that t() was both a sanitization function and a translation function.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if I was wrong, however, and it certainly could use some explanation.

Berdir’s picture

Every string that is printed in a module or theme needs to be passed through t() so that it possible to translate it.

durgesh29’s picture

Allowed HTML tags: <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <em> <strong> <code> <del> <blockquote> <q> <sub> <p> <br> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <a> <b> <u> <i> <sup>

leonardjo’s picture