In views, added the field replacement pattern to the row class of the table (that is possible in the table settings)
However, nothing shows up.
Now I have read in another post that this is known with editable fields, the replacement pattern does not work.
Is there a workaround or a solution?


dags’s picture

Could you please provide a link to the other issue?

Yuri’s picture

That was a post of the module Views Table Highlighter, see
But this issue is not related to that module.

I checked this, and indeed enabling editable field, makes the replacement pattern in the row not working. So this is an issue of editablefields.

dags’s picture

I am able to reproduce this bug. The issue is that editablefields_field_formatter_view() returns a render array with '#type' => 'markup':

 return array(
      0 => array('#markup' => '<!--form-item-' . $field_id . '--' . $row_id . '-->'),

It looks like tokens rely on the results of that function to get their replacement values and since it sanitizes those values, the whole field is stripped. I'm not sure how to resolve this but it seems like any solution would be a pretty big architectural change. I'll work on this more as I find the time but I'm quite busy at the moment and may not get to it for a while. In the meantime, I'm open to ideas and/or patches .

Yuri’s picture

Thank you! In the meanwhile the workaround is to add the same field another time without using the editable format, and hiding the field.

Yuri’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

@dags Any news on this issue?