Hi guys,

I am using Drupal commerce with Paypal WPP with default country "france". When i am using Credit card option then it always say:: we encountered an error processing your payment. please verify your credit card details or try a different card.

When i checked error logs then mesages are::

[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Merchant country unsupported.
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => The merchant country is not supported.

I don't know how can i overcome this problem. please help me.



rszrama’s picture

Project: Commerce Core » Commerce PayPal
Version: 7.x-1.0 » 7.x-2.x-dev
Component: Payment » PayPal WPP
Category: bug » support
Priority: Major » Normal

Have you contacted PayPal support? Sounds like an account issue to me.

drupalprog’s picture

Hi rszrama,

thanks for the reply.

I am using commerce Paypal WPP with 7.x-1.0 version. Is there something due to old version?

Also please tell me it support to all countries?

thanks again

rszrama’s picture

Nope, the message you're seeing has to do with your PayPal account. You are the merchant, and how you interact with the API is independent of which version of the module you're using. Still, you should update to 2.x as we don't support 1.x any more (and there's literally no backwards incompatible API changes).