I want my domains to be rewrited to www (so a.com will become www.a.com)

My settings:

Domain list
a.com (default)

WWW prefix handling:
Process all host requests normally

Domain Aliases:
redirect: enabled
pattern: www.a.com

I have (not yet) uncommented any www rewriting.

With above settings going to www.a.com results in a rewrite to a.com.

I tried suggestions in this comment https://drupal.org/node/541176#comment-1897306 hoping this would apply for 7.x version but no luck.

Thanks for any help in advance


agentrickard’s picture

Reverse the alias / canonical pattern.

Domain list

Domain Aliases
a.com [redirect to www.a.com]

Or have www.a.com as an alias with no redirect, and do the rewrite in .htaccess.