On a site running Domain Access with 7 domains, the canonical url for category listing pages, as well as for pages that are assigned to all domains, is using the default domain's url. So, for example, www.site1.com/category/blue, the canonical url is www.primary-site.com/category/blue. What this has done is moved a bunch of traffic off the site1.com site to the primary site. What I would have expected is that each site should show a canonical url for that site, but I understand that Domain Access is doing some trickery and is complicating the process. I'm looking at ways to try and override this default behaviour, so will post back if I figure something out. Just thought I'd post this here for others to see and maybe someone has some ideas on how to fix it.


davemybes’s picture

Oh, I forgot to mention, that the quick fix for nodes that are assigned to all domains, is to ensure they're only assigned to the one domain you want the canonical to point to. This may not be an ideal setup for everyone, though.

You cannot do a custom page override, because you can't enter a full url there, only a relative path. Also, doing a redirect from one site to the other fails with a redirect loop, so no go on that option.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

Project: Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags » Domain Meta Tags
Version: 6.x-1.14 » 6.x-1.x-dev
Issue summary: View changes

This needs to be handled by Domain Meta.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (outdated)

The D6 version is no longer supported.