I have created a view with ajax pager. Each page consists of one node. Each node has a javascript field that consists of

tag and the script in it. The problem is that after I load the next page via ajax pager it removes the script tags in loaded page. I also overrided the field and added the script tags in field--field_fieldname.tpl.php but it still removes the script tags. useing jQuery 1.7 Bottom line, page loaded via ajax pager doesn't load script tags. Any suggestions? Thanks


ReinisK’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

jQuery version added.

meecect’s picture

I noticed this with custom field tpl files as well. Would love to know what is causing this.

GroovyMotion’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Same issue here, as soon as I click next or page 2 there is no more pager and script doesn't appear where it is on page 1. No issue if AJAX is set to NO.
jquery 1.4.4 and jquery.ui.core.min. 1.8.7"