I have loaded Backstretch and created a new content type with a background image only. On that I have selected Backstretch and whether I select whole page or a CSS field I get the background image. But 2 things happen.

The main content of the page disappears.
I get a title of the image and a read more link.

On the content type I have only full content selected so not sure why I am getting the titles appearing. If I set the content as unpublished. I immediately get my front content "no content added yet' and the title of the image and read more link goes away.

I am not really sure why we can't just include backstretch in the normal way by including the download in the .info file and then placing the code in the js script file.


Why would Drupal interfere with a simple reference. It seems easy enough.

But I digress the closest I get to having the image displayed where I want is using this module but I can't work with it if it takes away the main content. I could always use CSS to remove the Title but IMHO that is not a fix.

I can't see anyone having the same issue. I can't see it has anything to do with my theme (using bootstrap) as I can select another module and the same thing happens.


bdupls’s picture

Hay, I'm not sure why this module is necessary. If you copy backstretch. js file and link to it through .info or include in html.tpl.php file you only need to add this script in your own js code file


Voila it appears on the div if you want it full screen then just exclude the (#divid)