Hi, I am setting up a view which should show the lowest price for a product. I have 4 tiers / quantities, so I want to show the price for the 4th tier / quantity.

I have added the field for price table in my view, where I have the option in configuring the field, I have set the multiple field value to show only 1 value and selected 3 for the items to skip.

This work great and shows me the correct price I need, however I am trying to display the price by itself without the table, so I have selected Price table (inline entity form) for the formatter, and have rewritten the field to show the price_table- amount == RAW as this is the only token available that can show the price on it's own.

All works fine except that there is no currency symbol or decimal place in the price. Is there any way I can show the price with decial place and currency symbol to achieve this?

Many thanks


T.Mardi’s picture

I've installed Commerce price by components but it doesn't seem to work on a price table field. Should Commerce price by components be able to make a change to price table fields?