
I wanted to display my ubercart store terms which are in the catalog taxonomy as quicktabs in views by editing the (" uc_catalog_terms (Term) ") view which is one of the default view you get when you install ubercart.

The initial condition for that view for the View Format settings are:
Format:Grid | Settings
Show:Fields | Settings

And the Fields are:
Taxonomy term: Name
Taxonomy term: Term ID
Taxonomy term: Image

I then changed the View Format settings to:

Format:Quicktabs | Settings

Defaults: Style options
Tab style = Default Style

The tab style that will be applied to this set of tabs. Note that this style may not show in the live preview.
Title field *=Taxonomy term: Name

Select the field that will be used as the tab title.
Grouping field Nr.1=None

You may optionally specify a field by which to group the records. Leave blank to not group.


Show:Fields | Settings = Default setting

and i got this as my display after saving:


<a href="/catalog/%5Btid%5D">Product 1</a> 
<a href="/catalog/%5Btid%5D">Product 2</a> 
<a href="/catalog/%5Btid%5D">Product 3</a> 
<a href="/catalog/%5Btid%5D">Products 4</a>


The grid view did not change to tabs.


docans’s picture

Title: render ubercart product taxonomy as quick tabs » render ubercart product term as quick tabs
docans’s picture

Issue summary: View changes