I have a new project that I'm starting in the next week (December 2013) that will use Drupal. It will be launched in about three months. My understanding is that Drupal 8 is in alpha or beta release--please correct me if I'm wrong. I understand that it's technically not ready for production. However, given that Drupal 8 is so close to launch, and given my development timeline, it seems that now would be a good time to start at least developing for Drupal 8 instead of Drupal 7. Of course, I would have to upgrade to the latest release prior to launch, but I'm assuming that would be easier than making the switch from 7 to 8. I just don't want to develop for 8 and then find out it's going to be another six months before Drupal 8 is ready for production. Anyone have a good sense for the production timeline and whether or not now is a good time to start developing a website for Drupal 8 given a three month development timeline?

In other words, I know there's no official launch date, but I just want to know... is it realistic to expect Drupal 8 to be out in the next three months?

Thanks and happy holidays. :)



WorldFallz’s picture

Drupal 8 i still very very alpha, there's still a great deal of moving parts to fix, and it's not likely to be even beta before your 3 month go live. If it were me, I would go with d7.

JasonLuttrell’s picture

Thanks for the great feedback! I'll definitely take your advice on that.

Jaypan’s picture

I agree with WF. D8 is still very much in changing development, and even when it gets a full release, it will still face limited module support. You will also find little community support, as only very early adapters, and developers actually working on the project will be using it. D7 on the other hand has been out a few years, with a full range of modules, and a knowledgeable community.