elasticsearch_connector 8.x-7.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3125891 by u_tiwari: SearchBuilder::flattenKeys throws Array offset Notice in PHP 7.4
Issue #3100331 by manuel.adan, kbrodej: Do not create, update or remove read-only indexes
Issue #3144329 by lekes: Order by relevance although fulltext field is empty
Issue #3110970 by shaktik, r.spring, timotej-pl, kbrodej, imalabya, bonfil1, drewfranz, humbl_dev, rferguson, benjamincizej, abhijeet.kumar2107, FiNeX, fgm, kiamlaluno, ptt-homme: Remove the code deprecated in Drupal 9
Issue #3008751 by Renrhaf, andyg5000: Searching using a condition on status field

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-6.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3008742 by Renrhaf, muldos, eyilmaz: [mlt] query does not support [ids]
NOISSUE: Throw exception if ES cluster is not configured in views.
Issue #3008751 by Renrhaf, andyg5000, skek: Searching using a condition on status field
Issue #3077334 by abrar_arshad: NOT IN filter is not supported yet
Issue #3010114 by ebeyrent, pwolanin, kevineinarsson: Support Other Data Types
Issue #3010955 by pwolanin, Schoonzie, GRO, ygerasimov, realityloop, Weilinggu: Allow index name flexibility

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-7.0-alpha1

New features

Releasing the alpha version for 8.x-7.x version of the module that supports Elasticsearch 7.x

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-6.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3065334 by ygerasimov: Remove hardcoded IndexFactory
Issue #2918138 by meanderix, agoja, dakku: Support for alterParams()
Issue #2871856 by alejomc, takim, skek, m4olivei, mpastas, bander2, stevenlafl: Fulltext search on Views not working
Issue #3025114 by oknate, petermallett: Reference to Solr should be updated to Elasticsearch
Issue #2978005 by sonnykt, Leksat, Renrhaf: Failed to parse node status

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-5.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Lots of improvements of the module.
For detail diff, checkout the difference between the releases 8.x-5.0-alpha1..8.x-5.0-alpha2

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-2.x-dev

Adding a support of Elasticsearch 2.x for 7.x version.
Main discussions and development can be traced here: https://www.drupal.org/node/2571749

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-5.x-dev

Initializing the dev branch for 5.x integration with Elasticsearch with basic 5.x integration.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha9

Bug fixes

30749af - (HEAD, tag: 7.x-1.0-alpha9, origin/HEAD, origin/7.x-1.x, 7.x-1.x) Issue #2617078 by lachezar.valchev: Fixed issue causing clusters with authentication to stop working when the elasticsearch_connector_devel module is enabled. (29 minutes ago)

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-2.x-dev

Development branch for Elasticsearch 2 integration and module structure refactoring and abstraction.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha8

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #2550047 by Alex Bukach: Search API Location: Distance sort
Issue #2549589 by arpieb: Add search_api_site support
Issue #2550047 by Alex Bukach: Search API Location: Distance sort
Issue #2538174 by Alex Bukach: Search API: Filters don't work with geodistance search
Minor typos and todo
Issue #2531768: Alter documents before they are sent for indexing, using the following drupal_alter.
Issue #2512008 by a_thakur: Fix the typo and make an update hook to fix the roles

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha7

Bug fixes
New features

Removing unused javascripts from the connector.
Remove the hosted solution specific functionalities. Better to have them in separate module.
Issue #2333519 by @jsacksick: Altering the index creation in elasticsearch_connector module.
Issue #2333519 by @jsacksick: Adding alter hook for index creation.
Issue #2327133 by @rumenyordanov: Fixing point 1 of the issue.
Issue #2327987 by @k.minkov: The patch fixed too long characters breaking the reordering of the views fields.
Issue #2316295 by @skek: Improving the more like this functionality.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

Regression bugs:

* Fixing a bug with the search api and the elasticsearch options ajax.
* Issue #2314491 by @Bojhan: Fixing a bug with the options for the statistics collection.

* Loading the indices using the indices api, instead of cluster metadata.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features

Releasing a lot of new features + an integrated hosted solution for those who don't want to manage their own server.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

* Issue #2288125 by @Steven Jones: Removing the index exists check on each search. This will increase the performance.
* Issue #2300759 by @jchatard: Fixing the typo in uninstall hook.
* Issue #2297147 by @skek: Upgrading the watchdog module to support aggregations instead of facets.
* Issue #2297051 by @joshtaylor: Fixing the terms operator to AND.
* Issue #2192525 by @skek: Enabling the connection timeout plus using DNS cache for the curl requests.
* Reseting the watchdog filters after delete by query.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Search API Integration

  • Implementing missing features on delete server
  • Preventing index delete if other Elasticsearch indexes exists when delete Search Api index
  • Implementing wildcard search

elasticsearch_connector 8.x-1.x-dev

Creating a snapshot of the development in order people not using git to be able to download it and review what is happening with the project.

elasticsearch_connector 7.x-1.0-alpha1

As there isn't any new open bugs it is a time to release our alpha version of the elasticsearch connector module.

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