
in my current project in need to implement a node that should have information about season (a certain span of the year with monthly granularity). Now while this can be easily done with a repeating date field, it seems to me that the module goes a little bit beyond my requirements. What i basically need is a set of fields like this:

Season starts: [Month selector]
Season ends: [Month selector]

Since this should repeat for each year, I do not need to specify anything except the month. Also I don't need the options of the date repeat field to be visible to the user. The example above should be everything that is exposed in my node creation form.

I'd really like to have the benefits of this module, especially when it comes to validation and views integration. So, would the Date API be a good choice here or should I just stick to list fields with some kind of basic validation (end month > start month)?

Thanks for your help!