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Collageplus module can be used to create a Collage image gallery using Views and CollagePlus image gallery plugin for jQuery.

Collageplus plugin for jQuery will arrange your images to fit exactly within a container. You can define the padding between images, give the images css borders and define a target row height. This plugin supports responsive layouts.

Supported Modules


  1. Download and install Collageplus and Libraries API modules.
  2. Downlod CollagePlus library and extract it in libraries directory.
  3. Rename extracted directory to 'collageplus'.


  1. Create a view with image field.
  2. Select "Collageplus" display format.
  3. Select the image field as grouping field.
  4. Set appropiate format settings for "Collageplus".
  5. Clear cache.

Drush command to install plugin

The easiest way to download and install the plugin is via the built in Drush command.

	drush collageplusplugin


  1. Libraries API
  3. Collageplus Library

Similar modules

Supporting organizations: 
Updates and maintenance.

Project information
