Project URL -

ArtZolo is a concept to help consolidate Art & Craft market in the world. We all know that Art & Craft is a significant influence in ones culture. We want to give rebirth to all those who have missed a part of their ethnic feel through our portal.

Our portal facilitates various sub categories of Art & Craft -
Art Supplies
Mixed Media
Digital Art
Hand Print
Traditional Art

ArtZolo | Your Art Destination
Why Drupal was chosen: 

Drupal all the way.

Before I started to build the platform, I was strongly contemplating between some of the tools that were there such as Magento, Joomla, and other custom tools. I wanted to go ahead with the development and wanted the results to be shown quickly. My exploration phase taught me very clear lessons about security, performance and maintenance and I discovered that Drupal was ahead of all in my possible list of options.

In addition, Drupal has an fantastic set of people who are behind it, who not only are abreast with most of the changes but also are active in building the tool to take it to gen-next or one of its kind in the open-source space.

Some key points
1. Very well structured code (framework is excellent)
2. Security (including some of the recent enhancements are very strong indication that the Drupal Community cares)
3. Modules, almost anything and everything that one needs to quickly built their product/prototype is all available here and to most developers delight, it is free.
4. Fantastic scalability and integrity of code and 3rd party modules

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Goals -

The main goal was a dual purpose objective to help artist penetrate and for the buyers to get authentic/genuine stuff. There is a lot of research that has gone behind putting some of the business elements that we have put together. Also, This is a start, we aim to solve more complex that we have identified during our exploration phase.

Requirements -

Build a scalable, dependable, reliable and secure marketplace. Time was a big constraint. With the limited budget, we were shortlisting only the best open source platforms which has an active and a helpful community.

Outcome -

Our platform is very well received by audience all around. We have users both domestic and international coming to our platform. Some users of Drupal could not believe that Drupal was flexible to the extent that our platform was built on.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

They were chosen for the following reasons

  • Complex algorithms written effectively and efficiently
  • Some of the highest used modules, enhanced my trust on going ahead with the deployment
  • Activities in terms of issue resolution, patch releases were phenomenal
  • To a developers delight they are very easy and simple to use and understand
  • since our platform is expected to be search intensive, we used Search APIs extensively which provided us with some amazing features
Project team: 

Vishal Singhal
Preeti Singhal

Search API
Cloud Zoom
Art Previewer @ArtZolo
Small business


irgnet’s picture


i like very much Popular Artwork block at the bottom of home page.

How you do that?

DocRPP’s picture

That is useless, as whenever one try to click on an artwork, it changes to something else.

Friendopedia - A free Facebook app to receive anonymous feedback. Built on Drupal 7 using fboauth.

vishy_singhal’s picture

I have custom created an module for that.