Here is what I'm looking for - If a normal node of type blog has been created and then got outlined into a book, does the node type change from node type of blog to a node type of book?!

If no, can this be done? any modules out there to accomplish this?! - Thanks!

and here is why I would like the node type to change once a blog post is outlined into a book:

I would like my registered visiters to edit book pages, but not blog pages. So, lets say a user posted a blog post and then after sometime, he/she outlined it under a book. I only allow users to edit book pages so if the node type doesn't change, edit would not be possible.

Hope i was clear enough. Thanks in advance!


tm’s picture

mine don't change. we are just using the book modules outline feature to keep stuff together in a manner that is familiar to users (hierarchy), but the content-type does not change. we use the nodetype module to do that; maybe that can get you started, possibly in some type of workflow.

CompShack’s picture

Thanks for the help. The only reason why I would like the node type to change to "book" is because blog nodes are only editable by the author. I want all nodes under a book to be editable by other users (not only the author). so you see, if a user created a blog entry and then decided to move it under a book to get information organized, other users will not be able to edit it as it is not of type "book".

I was playing around with drupal 6 and noticed some extra permissions on blog nodes. If drupal 6 wont handle this, I would have to look into writing my own module. I have never done that before, but I think with some time and looking around, i can get it done!

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ekrispin’s picture

There is another related issue I have just encountered: when you outline a blog post (or any other content type which is NOT originally a book-page content type) to a book, the book navigation block does not appear for this page.

Strange! Is it only in our case?

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