The only regions that work on the D7 Fever Block Demonstration page were Help and Content.

In page.tpl.php there is a section which takes all $page['region'] variables and assign them to local variables which are then printed. The problem was that none of these variables were rendered. I cracked open Bartik's page.tpl.php file and noticed that each print had a render() so I fixed the code as follows.

$header               = render($page['header']);
$search               = render($page['search']);
$navbar               = render($page['navbar']);
$help                 = render($page['help']);
$showcase             = render($page['showcase']); 
$content              = render($page['content']);
$left                 = render($page['sidebar_first']);
$right                = render($page['sidebar_second']);
$content_bottom_one   = render($page['content_bottom_one']); 
$content_bottom_two   = render($page['content_bottom_two']);
$content_bottom_three = render($page['content_bottom_three']); 
$content_bottom_four  = render($page['content_bottom_four']); 
$content_bottom_five  = render($page['content_bottom_five']); 

Now, the block demonstration page is working. Also instead of just printing Array everywhere on the theme output it is actually displaying the blocks. Definitely must check-in this change as it makes a lot of non-working things start working. Thanks.


benlotter’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

EDIT: Changes to region names per issue