Thanks so much for your support the last time. I have figured out i a solution an i need your help to finish it. I took at look at and realized it works only for ordered products. i.e. it is able to look at the ordered products and get the attribute options for the ordered product

I am looking for a similar rule that will check the attribute options in the cart to enable me perform a condition such as compare the result with a value and then trigger an action

How can i modify the "function uc_attribute_rules_condition_info() " , "function uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_option($order, $oid)" and the "function uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_options_list()" to enable me to check the items in the cart for their attribute options using the Rules Module



TR’s picture

Issue tags: -cart rules
docans’s picture

this is the full list of the code in


 * @file
 * Rules hooks for Ubercart attributes.

 * Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
function uc_attribute_rules_condition_info() {
  $conditions = array();

  $conditions['uc_attribute_ordered_product_option'] = array(
    'label' => t('Order has a product with a particular attribute option'),
    'description' => t('Search the products of an order for a particular option.'),
    'group' => t('Order: Product'),
    'base' => 'uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_option',
    'parameter' => array(
      'order' => array('type' => 'uc_order', 'label' => t('Order')),
      'option' => array('type' => 'integer', 'label' => t('Attribute option'), 'options list' => 'uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_options_list'),

  return $conditions;

 * Returns TRUE if a product in the given order has the selected option.
 * @see uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_option_form()
function uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_option($order, $oid) {
  $option = uc_attribute_option_load($oid);
  $attribute = uc_attribute_load($option->aid);

  foreach ($order->products as $product) {
    if (!isset($product->data['attributes'])) {

    $attributes = $product->data['attributes'];

    // Once the order is made, the attribute data is changed to just the names.
    // If we can't find it by ID, check the names.
    if (is_int(key($attributes))) {
      if (isset($attributes[$oid])) {
        return TRUE;
    elseif (isset($attributes[$attribute->name][$oid])) {
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

 * Options callback.
 * @see uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_option()
function uc_attribute_condition_ordered_product_options_list() {
  $options = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT a.aid, AS attr_name, a.ordering, o.oid, AS opt_name, o.ordering FROM {uc_attributes} a JOIN {uc_attribute_options} o ON a.aid = o.aid ORDER BY a.ordering, o.ordering");
  foreach ($result as $option) {
    $options[$option->attr_name][$option->oid] = $option->opt_name;

  return $options;


tparc’s picture


TR’s picture

Version: 7.x-3.6 » 8.x-4.x-dev
Component: Module integration » Rules
Category: Support request » Feature request