Using D7 with the latest version of webform. We have created several surveys and all is working fine, but a question came up in a meeting, is there an easier/automated way of sending emails to the specific users that need to complete the survey. What we do now, is create the survey, save, then go into our email client and send out a note that a survey is ready for you to complete at whatever url.

We would like to click a button "send survey url to:" and then add the email address of the user who needs to be alerted of the availability of the survey. They would jsut click the link and be taken to the the survey.


cfm4n’s picture

Have you looked into the Rules module? I use this module for most of my auto emails that are based on some 'action' on my site. Such as, if a specific form is submitted by a visitor, it will email me.

Is that similar to what you were wanting?

apatchforum’s picture

Hummm, I had not thought of using rules in this case. Let me run a few tests. Thank you.