Hi Guys,

I have a strange issue in my page.tpl.php file some divs are on one place in page.tpl.php file, but when i have opened my web site these div I checked with firebug and they are on a totally different place.

<div id="main" >
				<div id="col2" >
					<?php print $left ?>
				<div id="col1" >
					<?php print $breadcrumb ?>
					<?php if ($title): print '<h2 class="title'. ($tabs ? ' with-tabs' : '') .'">'. $title .'</h2>'; endif; ?>
					<?php if ($show_messages && $messages): print $messages; endif; ?>
					<?php print $help ?>
					<div class="clear-block">
						<?php print $content ?>
				<div id="col3" class="sidebar" >
					<?php print $right ?>
				<div id="col4" class="sidebar" >
					<?php print $right2 ?>
			</div><!-- end main -->	
		</div><!-- end container -->	

Problem is with these divs col3 and col4, you can see them on my website http://tonichef.com. They are situated on different place.
If you need more information write me.



nevets’s picture

node 283 seems to have bad html, I am guessing there is an element with a missing closing element.

kenzol’s picture

I thought that there is a missing closing element but how I can change, because i know that page.tpl.php but there i checked and all closing tags are there. The problem is on main page, on node 283 is displaying correctly. Col3 and col4 on main page are not on the right place i checked with firebug. The same divs on node 283 are on the right place and don't how this happens :(

nevets’s picture

It is a question of the nodes html, in this case the teaser. Does the text format the node is using have the html corrector filter enabled?

kenzol’s picture

How can I check whether html corrector filter is enabled?

nevets’s picture

Start by editing the content and determine the text format being used.

Then visit configuration >> text formats.

For the text format being used, click "configure"

Under "Enabled filters" make sure "Correct faulty and chopped off HTML" is enabled.

kenzol’s picture

Thanks nevets you helped me a lot