Hello, i'm truing to position the navigation(menu) and have such problem:

I see that there is a possibility to position it inside the header, footer, sidebar, and also the content. So i need to position it in the content. But when i choose this option, the menu is placed in the bottom of the content, after all texts and stories, and i need it to appear immediately after header, so that the stories goes after it in the content. And other thing: i need it to be vertical, i mean that each menu item should be on its line, and the next item on the second line.

Please friends, help.
Great thanks


Tom.Camp’s picture

Have you created the theme yourself or are you using a default theme?

If you have created the theme, it is quite easy to create regions other than $left_sidebar, $content, etc..

In your page.tpl.php file place a div or table cell where you would like the navigation to be. Within that div/td put your print $my_new_div statement. In your template.php file place this function:

function mythemename_regions()
  return array(
    'sidebar_left' => t('left sidebar'),
    'sidebar_right' => t('right sidebar'),
    'content' => t('content'),
    'footer' => t('footer'),
    'my_new_div' => t('my new div')

The new region will then appear in the block list.

I hope this is helpful, if not, I would be happy to elaborate.

anait’s picture

thank you , i will now try that