We're seeing issues with printing pages that include tables across various browsers. Is anyone else having this problem? This is straight printing, not PDF.

For this link: https://beta.wechu.org/print/feeding-your-child/balanced-school-day-menu...

Chrome - everything prints fine.
Firefox - First page is mostly blank (not a big issue); second page shows the table; the table cuts off on the third page, and is followed by the rest of the page content.
IE - in 10, the first page is mostly blank (not a big issue), the remaining pages are fine. In 9, the same webpage prints across thirteen mostly blank pages.

I'm trying to determine whether this is something we can control, or whether it's a browser settings issue. This particular page is only one example; any page with tables has similar issues, particularly lengthy tables.


webby7097’s picture

Further clarification on Firefox behaviour: This is only an issue for tables that span more than one page. The table prints as much as will fit on the first page it appears on (varies based on shrink to fit, legal/landscape, etc) but does not continue on the next page.

webby7097’s picture

IE issue is also the browser, not Drupal; resolved by removing the page-break-inside: avoid in print.css from img, node, and tr.

webby7097’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)