I'm a hard-core Windows guy who got into Drupal development about 4 months ago. I have been successfully working on my Windows machine but am interested in trying Linux as so much of what I read (books, articles) shows that Drupal development is focused on Linux and Mac.

So I'm wondering which Linux platform folks would recommend for me?

I'll be running it as a virtual machine using VMWare hosted on a Windows 8 machine. I installed SuperX. However, their support forum looks pretty inactive and after registering 2 days ago I'm still not approved to participate/post, so this might not be the right platform for me.

Thanks for you advice.



bojanz’s picture

You use the Linux distribution that you would be using on a real server.
This usually means Debian, CentOS, or an LTS version of Ubuntu Server.

Ubuntu seems to be the default choice with Vagrant, it's probably your best bet.
I suggest trying Vagrant and seeing if Vlad works with Windows, that should
make your setup much easier.

klequis’s picture

Sounds good.
Thank you for your suggestion.