Hello, I'm currently using Drupal 7 with Views 3 and the biblio module. I've made a custom content type for members of my lab that contains personal information (name, picture, email, etc), and I'm trying to create a view that will display the individual's member content plus all the biblio content that matches their biblio ID. I tried to do this using a filter, since it has the boolean operators now, but I'm running into an odd error.

I've tried setting it up multiple ways, but here is the general idea. The filters are exposed, so they can be entered (I'm going to want to hide them, but that's a hurdle I will jump later.)

content type = biblio AND biblio_ID = "" (filter exposed)
content type = lab_member_info AND title = "" (filter exposed)

The result of this is that when I give it no input, it returns all biblio content and all lab member content, as expected. But, if I give it any input for the biblio ID, it completely ignores the input for the other content type and only displays the biblio results. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the way the boolean operators work, or if the biblio content is handled differently, but I'm stymied. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.