I really don't know any details about this and where to look as this issue blocks page inspector so I can't do profiling of what is loading. But after a lot of hassle of setting all this ruby and compiling stuff I finally got this file guarding working and scss/css updating and live reload sort of working. At first it works and everything is nice but when I start to use website and refresh manually it starts and infinite loop of refreshing and it never is refreshed, just loads indefenitly every page and does so until I hit the X button in browser. Any Ideas what to check? (running on win 7, wamp, ruby 1.9.3)


David Eisner’s picture

(Full disclosure: I'm new to this, too.) What does your Guardfile look like?

Marko B’s picture

I didn't add/change anything in guardfile (mayby I need to but didn't see anywhere something mentioned about that). Thanx for trying even if you are new :) This is my guard file

notification :off

group :development do

  # Only run Compass if we have a config.rb file in place.
  if File.exists?("config.rb")
    # Compile on start.
    puts `compass compile --time --quiet`

    # https://github.com/guard/guard-compass
    guard :compass do

  ## Uncomment this if you wish to clear the theme registry every time you
  ## change one of the relevant theme files.
  #guard :shell do
  #  puts 'Monitoring theme files.'
  #  watch(%r{.+\.(php|inc|info)$}) { |m|
  #    puts 'Change detected: ' + m[0]
  #    `drush cache-clear theme-registry`
  #    puts 'Cleared theme registry.'
  #  }

  # https://github.com/guard/guard-livereload.
  # Ignore *.normalize.scss to prevent flashing content when re-rendering.
  guard :livereload do
