We have our site hosted on our virtual Ubuntu 12.0 LTS. I am converting it to HTTPS. We are using Secure Login so that anonymous sessions are via HTTP or HTTPS and authenticated sessions only via HTTPS.

When I enable /var/etc/apache2/sites-available/site-ssl ->

On IE, I get this message "Only secure content is displayed" Click here to show all content for every page we navigate to. When I accept to show all content, the website renders on IE 11. The CSS is not being picked up at all on a chrome browser Version 34.0.1847.116

Any ideas or help to fix this is appreciated !

Thanks much,


Chandan Chaudhary’s picture

check for the css file it should get loaded through https

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vibanu’s picture

CSS are loaded correctly but the https does not render as it should. I can view the CSS e.g.
