Can we Please have the slider draggable on Mobile devices as well.

Presently it's not draggable on mobile devices.

Thanks in Advance.


lazyD’s picture

Priority: Normal » Major
sinasalek’s picture

Category: Bug report » Feature request
Priority: Major » Normal
culfin’s picture

This may be resolved by adding the query UI Touch Punch library (via libraries integration?).
Here's the link to the project:

For D8, this library has been added to core, see
Unfortunately I'm not a programmer, but I hope this info is useful.

no.exploit’s picture

Thanks Mr culfin help Full :)

sinasalek’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (works as designed)

Since the library is generic, this is out of the scope of this module. it should probably be added through another modules like

aliaric’s picture

UI Touch Punch library wont work on default Drupal jquery version (1.4.4). It requires at least 1.7
So, to add touch support by default to current d7 sliderfield version will be kinda complicated.

sinasalek’s picture

jquery_update module can be used to update jquery and jquery ui

aronanda’s picture

Here's my solution using vanilla Drupal (no jQuery Update):

 * Implements hook_library().
function mymodule_library() {
  $libraries['touchpunch'] = array(
    'title'   => 'Touch Punch',
    'website' => '',
    'version' => '0.2.3',
    'js' => array(
      libraries_get_path('touchpunch') . '/touchpunch.js' => array(
        'type' => 'file', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 7),
    'dependencies' => array(
      array('system', 'ui'),

  return $libraries;

and then load it through:

drupal_add_library('mymodule', 'touchpunch');

Note that I had to load it only when jquery.ui is loaded, and the libraries module is a dependency.

arled’s picture

Closed (works as designed) - You're kidding right!!

Shane Birley’s picture

For anyone who finds this thread, you can use this module to install the Touch Punch library.

You can also grab the library file from here. The minimized version works fine as the module recognizes variants.

sano’s picture

thanks Shane.