This modules uses the ip2country module for automatic country detection. It's add a Country language detection option at admin/config/regional/language/configure, which is used to redirect the user to the language of his country.



  1. Navigate to admin/config/regional/language/detection.
  2. Enable the Country method.
  3. You usually want the user to be able to override the automatic detected settings. You can do this by using URL detection. Set a unique domain, or a path prefix for each language. Eg: /en and /nl. Don't use a prefix for one language only, because in that case the user is not able to override the automatic detected setting.
  4. Make sure that the user-overrideable setting is on top. A good setting is URL detection first, and Country detection as second.
  5. Go to admin/config/regional/language/detection/ip and set the default language per country. As a fall-back, the default language is used.
  6. To test the module, you can use the 'Debug preferences' settings on the ip2country admin page (admin/config/people/ip2country)

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Development of this module is done by LimoenGroen, Amsterdam-based Drupal specialists and sponsored by Free Press Unlimited.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintanance
Wrote the Drupal 8 port

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