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This module provides an Unpublish button that will unpublish the currently published revision. The button exists on the node/%/edit form, and it performs actions on the currently published revision.

It is originally intended to be used with Workbench Moderation and Workbench Moderation Buttons modules but it also works without those modules enabled.

Unpublish Button provides a fallback for editing core's "Status" property via a Publish or Unpublish button added to node edit forms. This fallback only happens when Workbench Moderation module is not available or moderation is not turned on for a specific content type.

Why do we need this?

Out of the box, Workbench Moderation does not provide a button for Unpublishing the current published revision.

If one adds an "Unpublished" moderation state, then the Workbench Moderation Buttons module might provide an "Unpublish" type of button. However, that action would only move content from the current Draft being worked on into an another state. It would not affect the currently published revision.

Think of this as an "Oh no!" shortcut when one is using Workbench Moderation to quickly take things offline without visiting the Moderate tab.

In order to make the workflow more clear, this module reverts Workbench Moderation's New Draft and Edit Draft tab titles back to the default Edit tab title.

How does this differ from similar modules?

Publish Button
Publish Button works around Workbench Moderation, potentially allowing users to bypass moderation permissions. Additionally, it could provide redundant buttons if one is using Workbench Moderation Buttons.

Publish Content
Publish Content also works around Workbench Moderation, and it provides its actions in the form of tabs, which might not be ideal for every use case.

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Funded development

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